Structural Hawk
Structural Hawk (SH)
SH is was created in 2019 by leading experts in software, avionics, and UAS aeronautics. This bird is 100% USA Made. We have outlined a few of its many impressive performance specifications.
Flight Duration
Professional Quadcopters provide 30-45 min of flight time. Group 1 (<5lbs) fixed-wing UAS under ideal conditions can provide 60-90 minutes of flight time. The Structural Hawk's flight time is 200+ minutes. SH has achieved over 200 minutes of flight time on a single battery with a standard payload.
3½ Hour Flight Duration
Autopilot Controlled Soft Landing
One Person Operation / Manpack Capable
100% Commercial Platform
20 Mile (30 km) Range
Assembles in < 5 minutes
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Simplified Assembly
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