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Dam Monitoring

Dam Monitoring  

What sets SMS apart is that we use fiber optic sensors. Most electrical sensors fail in less than 5 years while fiber optic sensors and cables last for decades. The cost is similar while FO provides higher accuracy. 


Our FO technologies are available in point and or distributed sensors. A distributed fiber is unique in that it can provide several kilometers of temperature and or strain readings on one cable. 


Placing a sensor cable in poured concrete or burying it in the soil will provide thousands of strain and temperature readings over its length for decades of life.


Installation requires 1/8th of the amount of cabling than an electrical based system would use, and fiber optic cable can run over 10 miles without power. Installation and long-term maintenance costs are significantly lower and have higher reliability. 


In addition, to monitoring structural issues we can also monitor;


  • Wear of mechanical parts, motors, load to open or close gates

  • Reservoir level 

  • Seepage flow 

  • Turbidity

  • Inclinometers 

  • Settlement


We provide design, installation, and long term monitoring of the dam.  This helps Dam Safety Engineers target inspection, repairs, and warn of impending failures.  SMS can provide a short WebEx presentation to explain our technologies.



Our newest addition to our monitoring solutions is a fixed-wing drone or UAS platform.  Ask for Structural Hawk Information.  

Dam Software Image

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